
Wicked VUCA—Boiling Frog

In today’s Wicked VUCA world, it is not uncommon for leaders to find themselves struggling with complex problems in a dynamic environment. Like the frog slowly boiled, today’s leaders struggle with detecting ambiguous signals in their environment. Suddenly those weak signals become too strong to react to in a volatile environment.

Adding to the complexity of misreading weak signals is the interconnectedness of those weak signals to other Wicked VUCA problems facing the leader’s organization. The uncertainty of addressing one weak signal or missing one weak signal can either solve or amplify another Wicked VUCA problem.

None of this says a leader should not tackle Wicked VUCA problems. Winston Churchill famously said, “if you’re going through hell, keep going.” Leaders need a thoughtful, critical thinking methodology that slows down the problem and helps tame wickedness.

Gray Zone uses a proprietary Wicked VUCA framework combined with Systems Thinking to drive down Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Through coaching, scenario planning, and exercises, leaders and their teams learn to cope with problems resistant to resolution. Additionally, companies learn the following steps to tackle their Wicked VUCA challenges.

For more information, contact Gray Zone or Dan Colman, PMP.

Illustrated by Eric Bakey
Derek Cabrera Laura Cabrera #systemsthinking #wickedvuca #vucaleadership #wickedproblems #complexity #leaders #coaching

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