Aesthetic laser
Fractionated CO2 Laser treatments
As we age, our skin begins to break down, become discolored, and premature wrinkles begin to appear. With the Phoenix CO2 Laser, patients now have a safe and effective means to repair and restore your skin.
Our cutting-edge fractionated CO2 laser disburses gentle beams of infrared light. The energy is easily absorbed by our water-rich biological tissue. The laser vaporizes the top layers and places heat into our sub dermal tissue to stimulate new collagen. With this advancement in modern, laser technology, treatments can be tailored to a patient’s specific desires and expectations.

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling
RF microneedling is a minimally invasive fractional, bi-polar, Radio Frequency system that will disperse micro-needles deep within the dermis to produce dramatic skin tightening and skin rejuvenation and can be used on all areas of the body. This combines the latest advancement in Micro-Needling and Radio Frequency (RF) technologies.
Offering minimal downtime and pain regardless of skin type.
Laser units utilized



Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Treatments can alleviate multiple dermatologic conditions. The Spectrum delivers wavelength specific pulses of energy to the desired treatment area. Discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the “snap of a rubber band”. Multiple treatments may be required to achieve your desired result.
Call us: 803-520-1677

Spider Veins, Vascular Lesions, & Age Spots
Over time, the outer skin can become discolored with pigmented lesions (brown spots) and broken blood vessels. The Long Pulsed Yag and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) targets and removes these unsightly blemishes leaving behind a blemish free appearance.
Tatoo Removal
Uses “Gold Standard” 0-Switched technology to remove unwanted tattoos. The dual
wavelength laser targets specific ink colors. The tattoo ink is then broken down into tiny particles that are small enough so that the body’s own natural immune system can flush them away. Unwanted body art can now be eliminated.

Laser Hair Removal
The diode laser will reduce and may permanently remove unsightly body hair. Melanin gives our hair color and is what the laser light targets to destroy the hair follicles in the active growth stage. It is safe to use on all skin colors and will leave the treatment area “Hair Free”

Acne Reduction
If you have acne and you are looking for the best solution to get rid of it, then IPL photofacial is the solution you need. More and more we are recommending IPL photofacials for patients with severe acne or acne scarring, as well as other conditions like sun spots and age spots (through targeting blood vessels), and fine lines.
With just a few sessions, IPL treatments can clear up even the most extreme cases of facial acne and/or acne scarring. With alternatives like oral antibiotics that can be harmful to some patients, IPL therapy is a safe and easy option for acne removal.