Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery remains one of the most common breast cosmetic surgery procedures performed nationwide. Designed to increase the size of the breasts, a breast augmentation utilizes breast implants (saline or silicone gel) to provide the additional fullness and volume to the breasts that the patient desires. Previously limited to using implants, more and more patients are consulting for breast augmentations today interested in exploring the option of using their own body fat (via a fat transfer procedure) as an alternative to traditional breast implant options. At Palmetto Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics, we are excited to offer our patients a wide variety of implant options (type, size, shape, profile, and manufacturer) and the ability to use their own body fat to ensure customizable cosmetic results that achieve the very unique and individualized goals of each and every one of our patients.

A flat and well-toned abdomen is something that many of us strive to achieve with exercise, diet and a healthy lifestyle. However, despite our best efforts and intentions, these methods cannot always achieve our goals due to the effects of aging, genetics, pregnancy, injury and/or weight fluctuations. Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging. This is a situation that cannot be corrected without surgical intervention. At Palmetto Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics, we offer abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, to address laxity in the abdomen area to achieve a flat, well-toned stomach.
Genetics play a significant role in where your body stores fat. A person can be at their desired weight, yet have bulges of fat on their upper thighs, under their chin or on their abdomen. These stubborn areas of fat accumulation can be difficult to shrink with diet or exercise. Liposuction offers a way to sculpt the face and body to the desired shape by removing resistant fat deposits. Palmetto Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics has used liposuction to help many of our patients achieve their desired silhouette with body contouring treatments such as liposuction.

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Genetics play a significant role in where your body stores fat. A person can be at their desired weight, yet have bulges of fat on their upper thighs, under their chin or on their abdomen. These stubborn areas of fat accumulation can be difficult to shrink with diet or exercise. Liposuction offers a way to sculpt the face and body to the desired shape by removing resistant fat deposits. Palmetto Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics has used liposuction to help many of our patients achieve their desired silhouette with body contouring treatments such as liposuction.
A Brachioplasty, or arm lift, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess, sagging skin and fat from the upper arm for the purposes of reshaping and improving arm contour. Brachioplasties are performed for both cosmetic and practical purposes, as this body contouring procedure will address the drooping or sagging appearance of the arms that can result from weight fluctuations, age, and genetics and will afford a patient a slimmer, tighter and more toned arm appearance.

A thigh lift procedure reshapes and restructures the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. This body contouring procedure is often requested by patients who have lost a significant amount of weight or those patients who are simply unhappy with the appearance of their upper and inner thighs. Thigh lifts result in better overall thigh contour and in achieving desired body proportions, as this procedure addresses excess fat and smooths and tightens skin. A thigh lift is also commonly referred to as a thighplasty and always involves some liposuction of the medial thighs at the same time.

Autologous Fat Transfer
The diode laser will reduce and may permanently remove unsightly body hair. Melanin gives our hair color and is what the laser light targets to destroy the hair follicles in the active growth stage. It is safe to use on all skin colors and will leave the treatment area “Hair Free”Have you ever wished you could transfer fat from one area of your body to your
breasts? Believe it or not, that is an option with natural breast augmentation or other areas of the body. If you wish your breasts were slightly larger, but do not want breast augmentation with implants, fat transfer can be a solution.
Natural breast augmentation gives you the opportunity to increase your breast size without any worries about implants. Although breast implants are safe, there are some women who would prefer to use other methods to enhance the size of their breasts for personal reasons.